6 things to stay on top of your game daily!

Great lives don’t occur out of the blue, they are crafted and built day by day. The results of daily practise amount to staggering results over time. Follow these success habits daily:

1. Ask yourself empowering questions daily

  • What am I happy about in my life right now?
  • What am I excited about in my life right now?
  • What am I grateful for in my life right now?
  • What am I enjoying most in my life right now?
  • What am I committed to in my life right now?
  • Who do I love? Who loves me?

2. Be IN the game (not sitting outside) action gets results

To achieve big results we have to take BIG ACTION ! It won’t happen on its own!

3. Always have the best positive thoughts

Don’t let others steal you of your dreams. Be very aware of negative people entering your head! We use a great saying in our team ‘Don’t do negs’ !

4. Passion and motivation – what does this mean to each of us?

This will have different meanings for each of us, but have you ever asked yourself the question ‘what does success look like?’ Find your passion in life, what is your purpose? Find a purpose bigger than yourself and motivation will never be an issue.

5. Model the way – lead by example

Ask yourself would you follow you? Are you the best version of you, you can be? The sky is not the limit, your mind is!

6. Lastly don’t forget to have fun! Celebrate success!

Live is for living, it’s so important that we have fun, and give yourself permission to celebrate your success. Those little wins that mount up over time are worth a pat on the back!


Successful people don’t make excuses they get results! Remember the best things in life requires a sacrifice. activity and commitment.

Share your daily success habits below.





Win or Loose – You choose! Boxing a great metaphor for life!

Billy Schwer spent 20 years at the top of his field in arguably the most gruelling and demanding sport there is – Boxing.  During his professional career he won British, Commonwealth, European and IBO World Boxing Titles. I had the pleasure in listening to a motivational presentation last night by Billy, he said the game of boxing is 80% mental and 20% physical, doesn’t that apply to life?

Life is about choices, you can choose how you react to events, it’s a conscious choice! Here are some areas that you can focus on for the choices in your life:

  • You can choose where to be.
  • You can choose how to act.
  • You can choose who to trust.
  • You can choose who to avoid.
  •  You can choose what to say and what to do.
  • You can choose what to believe and choose what to say about yourself.
  • You can choose what to say about others.
  • You can choose what behaviour to have day-to-day


I have included below an extract from Billy’s blog on how to survive and thrive :  http://www.billyschwer.com/blog.php?blog_id=25

For those who are new to this – this is the first of my Seven Principles, of how to Survive and Thrive, especially in today’s tough times, What does that mean to you?  How can you choose to win when things don’t go your way?

When I was five years old my two older sisters Mandy and Lisa (11 and 8) used to torment me, slap me around and overpower me. They would sit on me and pin me down to the floor.

I used to get so upset, I would kick and scream trying to break free that I would hyperventilate and turn blue, I thought I was going to die.  It was in that moment, I decided nobody was going to beat me, dominate me, hurt me or get on top of me – ever again; especially women.  It was in that same moment I made an unconscious decision about myself; I’m weak, I can’t fight my sisters off so I must be weak – right?

So I then decided to become really tough to cover up and survive being weak, that is why I became a boxer, a fighter – someone everyone would see as strong and powerful.

Many people don’t think about the choices they make every day of their lives.  They suffer a setback and they let it affect the rest of their day – sometimes the rest of their life.  They don’t know that they have made an unconscious choice.

You always have a choice about the actions you take or indeed don’t take, the thoughts that affect you.  So your partner had the hump this morning – do you spend the day resenting the way they treated you or decide that they deserve a treat to cheer them up?  It’s a choice.

Every one of us makes choices throughout the day – you are the designer of your day; you create the day by consciously taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions – and results.  Life by design, live a life that you have created.

If you let yourself create negative images of yourself, you’ll end up being who you think you are.  Can you interrupt those thought patterns?  Every entrepreneur has a belief in themselves and their abilities – and every person has the ability to believe in themselves – just choose.

Catch yourself at each moment when negative thoughts creep in and decide to succeed – no matter what.

Billy Schwer

Performance expert

Specialist in Mental – Physical – Nutritional Fitness 



Are you ready to make life your sparring partner?

Think BIG – Are your goals big enough?

Regular readers of this blog will know I am a big believer it setting goals, the year is flying by so instead of reminding you to review your goals that I know you all set in January; I want to challenge you instead:



It doesn’t matter what the goal is, make it bigger! Often we are held back by imaginary limitations, dream big and you will be surprised what you can achieve. I recently read this story on JEFF ROBERTI blog which beautifully illustrates the point!

How I Learned to Set Really Big Goals from My 7-Year-Old

“My daughter was seven at the time. She loved to play catch, and I did also. The object we threw did not matter: a tennis ball, football, or any ball for that matter. It was the challenge of consecutive catches that mattered very much to her.

There was always the same goal, and only one goal, when we played catch: to break the existing records for consecutive catches.

I remember one day when my focused little daughter said, “Dad, let’s try for 100 in a row.” Since our best at that point was 50, I politely chuckled and said, “Sure, honey.” And guess what, after a few attempts, we did it.

So, the next day she said, “Dad let’s go for 300 in a row.” Well, my daughter was learning about thinking big, but I still had a lot to learn. I thought to myself, “Gee, we just hit 100. Why not try 125 or maybe 150 in a row? But 300?” Of course, out loud I responded with another uneasy chuckle and a “Sure, honey.”

You guessed it. It was only a few days later that we hit 300 catches in a row. I was really impressed and quite content. My daughter was neither impressed nor content, and she was also a lot smarter than me. She said, “Dad, let’s go for 500 now!”

And I thought to myself, “You have GOT to be kidding!” Sure enough, that very same day, we caught 500 throws in a row. You’d think I would be a believer by now, but when her sparkling eyes looked at me and said, “Dad, let’s go for 1,000 in a row!”

I am embarrassed to admit that my internal response was the same.

Less than 24 hours later we hit our record — 1,017 catches in a row!

Our record was over 10 times bigger that I had originally thought we could achieve. Thanks to my 7-year-old daughter, I have finally learned to set BIG goals.

You are only as big and successful as your goals.

So, ask yourself:

1. What is an important goal my team is working toward right now?

2. What is stopping me from increasing it?

Think BIG.

Lee Colan, Inc.com”


I had to share the story with you, go over the goals you set earlier in the year and make them bigger!!

What’s it like to reinvent yourself?

Reinventing ourselves opens up new possibilities as our mind is more open to new experiences and new way of seeing things. In the same way that you can transform a room by adding a new paint colour, our lives can be transformed just as quickly and as easily with just as much impact. A fresh approach to how we do something helps create new energy and it fills us with an attitude of eager anticipation as we look forward to each new day.

Some may view reinvention as rather false, especially when you look at celebrities who have portrayed one image and have then changed their image to present something new. However one thing is certain and that is that people who reinvent themselves are not resistant to change. In a society where life changes continually it is good to reinvent yourself.

You may know of someone who has transformed their career – perhaps had a revamp of their website, a rebrand of their image or their values. There are many ways in which people reinvent themselves – taking up a new challenge, a change in jobs, learning a new set of skills.

What’s it like to reinvent yourself?

What’s it like to reinvent yourself?

For those wishing you to reinvent their business, taking control of your personal brand may mean the difference between an unfulfilling job and a rewarding career. If redefining your personal brand, you need to be really clear about what your goals are so you use your time and energy wisely. Have a look at what your unique selling point is and look at ways in which you will get your message out – adverts in local paper or on radio, social media, website etc. A transformation of our self or our business can bring new learning and a sense of excitement. It can help us be more open to attracting new customers or creating new business links. If you’re thinking of redefining your brand, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. You will know what you want and the life/business coaching that I offer can help you refocus your goals and purpose.

In essence, life is an adventure and we shouldn’t be afraid to embrace change. Every time that we do we gain new knowledge and insight. Embrace change, grow each day & enjoy life! Reinvent yourself for the better and as you change, things will start to change for you.

Are you comfortable with change?

How have you reinvented yourself over the years?

If you enjoyed this article, you may also wish to read Living a wonderful life. You can also keep up to date on Facebook & Twitter

Spring into action!

It’s nearly the end of March 2014 and the clocks spring forward an hour this weekend. It’s time for longer and brighter days as the season progresses. However, depending on where you are in the world, it may not be Springtime even though it is March. Just now it’s Springtime in UK and Autumn in Australia. “Spring” refers to the season as well as to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal and re-growth.

However “spring” is also a verb. It’s a DOING word – an ACTION word!

It means to rise, leap, move or act suddenly and swiftly as if something has been constrained and has now been released.

If you want to see wonderful things happening in your life you need to take action and the best way to do that is to “spring” into action. Get up and do something about it!

spring into action

Don’t put off til tomorrow what you can do today because before you know it others around you will have sprung & you’ll still be where you are now.

So, why have you not just shot up out of your chair and started DOING things? Often we hold ourselves back through fear or laziness (because we gave up facing fear!).

• What constraints do you have on your life and who is putting them there?
• How do these problems or constraints impact your overall quality of life?
• Which of your dreams are falling by the wayside?
• What would happen if you took no action?
• What would be the cost to you or those around you?

Addressing these issues should help you take those first little steps to prepare yourself to leap forward with faith! Faith in yourself that you can rise up to meet the challenges; faith you can act swiftly with a belief in what you are doing and where you are going.
Take action – don’t let fear or excuses hold you back.
When you start looking after YOU and start taking action to make your dreams come true, you’ll soon notice that Spring really is a time of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, re-growth and rejoicing!
So break away from those constraints and spring into action today!