National Achievers Congress 2012 – Donald Trump & Tony Robbins

Just letting you know about this GREAT opportunity- I am going to be there and I HIGHLY recommend you go too- SUCH a mega deal to hear from a couple of the TOP Inspirational people around today.


My good friend Marcus de Maria (Millionaire, Trader, Property Investor and Businessman) has gone NUTS!


He will be talking at the National Achievers Congress (5th to 7th October London ExCel) with the one person that kicked off his career – Tony Robbins.

Also talking at the event is another of Marcus’s mentors, entrepreneurial giant – Donald Trump. It’s the first time EVER – and likely the last time – that he is speaking in UK. To celebrate, Marcus has put together a bonus package and prize draw that is NUTS (worth over £22,000)!

Follow this link and find out more about this offer


If you want to really make some changes/keep on track/hear some great messages- Be there!

Here’s to a fantastic life’s journey..



Find out more about the National Achievers Congress here

Women in small business

I heard the fantastic news of Marissa Mayer named as the new CEO of Yahoo, it has set a milestone for the first pregnant woman to be named CEO of a Fortune 500 company, which is fantastic for Women in business and just goes to show we can do it all!!

It lead me on to find this interesting infographic from

small women in business

These numbers are based in the States, but we tend to follow suit here in the UK. Are you encouraged by the numbers? The fastest growing segment in the US economy is fantastic and just shows the confidence, energy and commitment women have to business and family life!

Although more challenging do you think self-employment or running your own business fits in better with juggling family life that a 9 to 5 ?

Thanks Susie x

10 Tips for a happier, healthier life!

10 Tips for a happier, healthier life

Sometimes in today’s hectic world we all need reminding of the simplicity that lies at the root of leading a happier healthier life.

  1. Go Primal

The best diet is simple; it is after all based on the foods we’ve been eating the longest in terms of our time on this planet. Foods that we have evolved to eat and are best adapted to. A ‘primal’ diet made up of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds as well as meat, fish and eggs is best for weight control and improving your general health.                Adapting a ‘primal’ outlook to your daily eating habits will enable you to cut through the marketing hype and dietary misinformation and allow you to make healthy food choices.

  1. Keep Hydrated!!!

Water makes up two thirds of the body and performs a plethora of essential functions.

It acts as a solvent, a carrier of nutrients, temperature regulator and a body detoxifier.  Aim to drink enough water to keep your urine a pale yellow colour throughout the day; doing this can have a profound effect on your vitality and energy levels, including mental alertness.

  1. Eat mindfully

In our fast paced world we have a tendency to shovel in more food than we need in order to satiate the initial hunger pangs. Many of us would benefit from eating mindfully, some things to think about here are; avoid eating when distracted, eat slower and take time to taste and enjoy your food.

  1. Get plenty of sunlight in the summer

The sun helps our body make vitamin D which is associated with a wide spectrum of benefits including a reduced risk of several forms of cancer, heart disease as well as improved immune function.        Vitamin D is made when our shadow is shorter than our body length, i.e. when the sun is high in the sky. While burning is to be avoided, get as much sunlight exposure as possible for optimum health.

  1. …….meanwhile in the winter

We are all now familiar with SAD, seasonal associated depression; Low levels of sunlight in the winter months can cause our moods to darken. Wrap up warm and take in some of the winter sunlight.

  1. Get enough sleep

Optimum levels of sleep are linked with reduced risk of chronic disease and improved longevity. One simple strategy to help ensure you sleep better and longer(approximately eight hours a night ) is to go to bed earlier, turn off the computer/television , aim to get to bed at a reasonable hour and relax for half an hour with a book or some soothing music

  1. Walk more

Low impact exercise such as walking is associated with a variety of benefits for the body and brain, including reduced levels of anxiety.  Aim for a total of about 30 minutes of brisk walking every day, this can be broken up into shorter bouts throughout the day and maintain the same effect.

  1. Engage in some resistance exercise

Resistance exercise helps to maintain muscle mass and strengthens the body. As we age it reduces the risk of disability and falls.  Most exercise can be done at home, sit ups, push ups and squats. It may be useful to invest in some dumbbells to extend your home work-out routine.

  1. Practice random acts of kindness

Aim for one random act of kindness a day (with the new year this makes for a good resolution) simple acts such as giving up you seat on the bus, showing a fellow motorist some consideration, a quick call of text to someone you care about or have lost touch with or even surprising a loved one with a spontaneous bunch of flowers.

  1. Relish in the art of appreciation

Modern day living tends be hugely inspirational and as a result, we can easily find ourselves chasing an ever growing list of goals, many of which can be material. Some of us could do with spending more time focusing, not on what we don’t have, but what we have! Our mood can be lifted by just taking time to give thanks for our blessings, such as friends, family or a beautiful sunset.

What motivates you?


I came across the blog post by Mike Bundrant discussing the fact that many of us are only motivating by a Crisis or event, only taking action while motivated by said crisis or event.

It’s a thought-provoking read, being proactive as opposed to reactive is the key to success but do you find it hard to do? Try Mike’s ‘Zen’ excercise and see what you think!

Susie x

10 motivational tips or quotes! Are you lacking in motivation?

One of the challenges I see everyday in people is lack of motivation or lack of direction. Often its a case of focus and how we think about ourselves or our business. Listed below are 10 motivational tips/quotes to get the mind thinking! Perhaps one will strike a chord with you…..




1) Life is 80% an inner game ,  and 20 % an outer game.


2) Work in your business, and you will make a living,

Work on yourself and you will make a fortune.


3) Working with people who you love being around.


4) You can work on your mind, you can work on your body, if you do not nourish your soul – you are not complete.


5) Values set the stage for action, Goals release the energy.


6) The best way to predict the future is to create it.


7) Be internally motivated, otherwise we allow outside forces to influence us.


8) It’s the questions you ask yourself, not the answers you are seeking.


9) You need to behave in the reality before you perceive it.


10) Instead of making a living, start creating a life.


Hope you have enjoyed these, please feel free to share any other below! Thanks Susie